participant aSSISTANCE & cARE (PAC)
Direct Support Professionals (DPSs) provide Participant Assistance and Care (PAC) services in order to allow persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities to remain and live successfully in their own homes, as well as to function and participate in their communities. PAC services support and enable the person in activities of daily living, self-care, and mobility with the hands-on assistance, prompting, reminders, supervision, and monitoring needed to ensure their health and safety.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
Assistance with personal care, meals, shopping, errands, scheduling appointments, chores, and leisure activities,
Assistance with mobility – including but not limited to transfers, ambulation, use of assistive devices.
Assistance with correspondence and bill-paying.
Escorting the participant to community activities and appointments.
Supervision and monitoring of the participant.
Reinforcement of behavioral supports.
Adherence to risk plans.
Reinforcement of principles of health and safety.
Completion of task lists identified in their Person Centered Individual Support Plan (PCISP).